Monday, October 22, 2012

Healing Wounds

Who knows how many weeks ago, on Tuesday, I had a terrible day.

Just downright terrible.

I lost two lunchboxes along with watercups, and damaged my cello, and lost control of my anger.

Not good.

But today, I'm healing wounds. At Christmas I'm getting my cello fixed, I went to the doctor to get my asthma checked out after my attack on Friday, and on my way to the attendance office, I found my old lunchbox, after finding the old new lunchbox beforehand.

Healing wounds.



Friday, October 19, 2012

Discovery: Lack of a Post Title I

Of course, after 3 days of no blogging, I return, somewhat triumphantly, yet lacking a post title. But I still have a lot of points to cover.

Point One: R.R.

As usual, I wimped out and did not instigate any R.R. interactions, aside from a door-hold and exchanged words of "Thank You" and "You're Welcome". Slowly approaching a climax, like plot diagrams in Reading; exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution. 

Point Two: Boredom

Since my favorite Minecraft server has died a temporary, silent, ÃœberHaxored death, I have been overcome with boredom. Some good things that make me happy would be my Nintendo DS, and the occasional buddy chat on Google+. All merriment aside, it's terrible and I'm bored.

Point Three: Labels Update

I've added some labels to my blog! Now you can view posts by category and study for the next pop quiz!*


*Contrary to popular belief, the pop quiz is completely fake.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

You Forgot Your Flash Drive

***Has a poem! View "Poetry" page for more!***

Today was a good day, better then a "Meh Day". I got some individual work with my science teacher, which was awesome, getting my biggest project edited and revised.

I would have finished it in class, aside from the fact that I forgot my flash drive. 


So, I have 49 minutes to burn and I COULD HAVE finished it, and had more time to blog/write/play Minecraft/read/fiddle around with my epic browser, RockMelt. 

Yeah, not that great, but it made me think of a poem!

(By think of a poem I mean make a poem.)

So today's a good day, and tomorrow will only improve if I can "gird my loins" and instigate an R.R. interaction.



Monday, October 15, 2012

Discovery: Nameless

Sometimes, I want to post to my blog. And I know exactly what I want to post about! But I can't think of a title that fits it. So, I have a Discovery of namelessness.

So there's a Monday. A Monday where nothing exactly goes wrong, aside from a suspicious sighting of R.R. interacting with a male human being other than me (:O)! (Exaggerated on purpose.)

And also putting aside the fact that I had more homework then I thought I did and that my favorite Minecraft server is down.

So, is this classified as a good day or a bad day?

Phooey with classification, I can make up my own classifications. Like for instance, call it a "Meh Day".

Meh Day. Has a nice ring to it, eh?


Friday, October 12, 2012

Squirrels and Mount Everest

***Has a poem! View "Poetry" page for more!***

Earlier today, before Math class, my friend Myles mentioned to me on a random note:
"If you were going to die, how would you die?"
I considered this answer, throughly, but not as throughly as I would have if I had known that 4 hours later, I would be blogging about this experience.

Myles said:
"I would climb to the top of Mount Everest, and jump off of in a squirrel suit. [Flying across America...]*"

I laughed at this and said to myself:
"Squirrel suits and Mount Everest, that's something I should blog about."

My answer had been:
"Fighting for my life, either with my arch-nemesis or a giant coconut."

Not as funny, but it was pretty good for right on the spot like that.

Somedays, you feel like your flying off Mount Everest in a squirrel suit. Aside from the fact that you might die on impact.

Regardless, what I'm trying to convey here is this feeling of euphoria, similar to flying over America, from Mount Everest, in a squirrel suit.

After successfully composing my first theory, ironically about Harsh Weeks, I have a good day. A day when I find 1/2 of my lost belongings from the wrath of last Tuesday. A day when your reputable Science teacher gives you slack on some forgotten homework. A day when everything is going good.

And, it stayed like that!

Man, I'm flying from Mount Everest in a squirrel suit today.

*The brackets ([]) were used in Myles' quotation to paraphrase the idea of flying across America, because yours truly forgot what he actually said.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Theory: Harsh Days

Okay, this is my first theory post!

In my "A Lot." post a few weeks ago, I had a rough week, that involved losing/damage to numerous belongings of mine, and a few emotional losses of insanity (hopefully temporary).

In the past, I would have a discovery to back up my theory. But I think this day will be enough to back up my theory.

Discovery: Harsh Days

In my "A Lot." post a few weeks ago, I had two days that weren't so good.

Luckily for me, today I just had one rough day. A day in which I lost a few more belongings and had a mirage huge pile of homework.

Not so bad, but if you pile that on top of a kid with a mom who cares so much about her son that she will make sure she's getting the complete and utter truth and she's doing everything she can to help, and the fact that my father's wrist is fractured, and the fact that I need to stop chewing gum in the car on the way to school because it takes away from my school gum quota.
(Everything in moderation.)

So, this theory hasn't really gotten it's "Theory" part to it.


Theory: Harsh Days

Difficulty: Uncomfortably Suspenseful 

Rarity: Somewhat Uncommon

Usefulness: Helpful

A theory.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Discovery: Clumsiness

Clumsiness is a gift and a curse.

Quite recently, in my middle school experiences, I've encountered a girl who I would like to befriend, get to know better. She's right down from my locker, one away! 

Because she has the uncanny ability to make my bodily functions cease to work, I've had trouble starting a conversation. 

Sometimes, something bad happens for one, and it has a good effect on another in clumsiness:

As I open my locker, I hear an "EEK!" and a "OhMyGoshI'mSoSorry".

I whirl around, and see the subject of the matter, (who will be referred to as "R.R.) clutching a cup and some chocolate milk sloshed out of it down her locker and across a few others.

We make eye contact.

My vocal cords swell to an uncontrollable size. My eyes dialate rapidly. My stomach closes up. My heart does a somersault. The usual reaction.

A few words slip out, probably something gentlemanly and helpful. She says something polite, like a thank you, but I forget exactly what happened. I got some paper towels for her, and then I had to go off to the Fine Arts building to pick up my cello.

Sometimes, something bad happens for one, and it's just bad for them in clumsiness:

I was at my locker, taking a drink of my water cup. And it slips from my hand! With a plasticy thud, it hits the ground and opens. I make a sound that sounds like a dying Enderman from Minecraft, and I run into the bathroom, grab some paper towels and clean it up. Then my friend Myles races by, and says:
"Race you to Strings, Max!" and runs down the stairs. I shut my locker and take off, my feet sliding up in the air. I hit the ground and catch myself on my knee on the floor, and race down the stairs. Myles adds as I run down the stairs: "I saw that, Max! Epic fail!" Something like that, I don't know.

So Theory: Adolescence has helped me find Discovery: Clumsiness. Eventually I'll refine my Discovery into a Theory.
