Friday, October 19, 2012

Discovery: Lack of a Post Title I

Of course, after 3 days of no blogging, I return, somewhat triumphantly, yet lacking a post title. But I still have a lot of points to cover.

Point One: R.R.

As usual, I wimped out and did not instigate any R.R. interactions, aside from a door-hold and exchanged words of "Thank You" and "You're Welcome". Slowly approaching a climax, like plot diagrams in Reading; exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution. 

Point Two: Boredom

Since my favorite Minecraft server has died a temporary, silent, ÃœberHaxored death, I have been overcome with boredom. Some good things that make me happy would be my Nintendo DS, and the occasional buddy chat on Google+. All merriment aside, it's terrible and I'm bored.

Point Three: Labels Update

I've added some labels to my blog! Now you can view posts by category and study for the next pop quiz!*


*Contrary to popular belief, the pop quiz is completely fake.


  1. Dude, boredom is just lack of imagination. Get creative!

  2. R.R. most likely wants to talk to you as much as you do.
    So don't hesitate and start chatting: Could there really be anything bad to happen?

  3. I would today, aside from the fact that I barely got any sleep. Ergh.
